Saturday, July 26, 2008

untitled 017

She was walking through the night. A car parked in front of a house, thinking it was his. Continue to walk the way she walks, the male in the car said "Excuse me," she stopped to be polite, "My name is Dwayne and I saw you walking... What's your name?"

The young girl wondered. She doesn't know her name.

"Sorry," mumbling, the hint of not wanting to further the conversation. It wasn't the right of time. She started walking again.

"You're afraid? I just thought you were pretty," the male said. The male confused her feelings for fear. Silly.

After the nervousness and panic washed away like sweat from her jog to her apartment... She actually wanted to find the small black vehicle to take back that meaningless apology. She wasn't really sorry. It wasn't her fault that she didn't have a name.

Hi. Are You Awake? by T.R. Muse.